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Allgemeine Fragen
Warum mit buycycle verkaufen?
Wir machen den Verkauf von Fahrrädern online einfacher und sicherer als je zuvor. Wir bieten globale Reichweite, einfachen Versand und sichere Zahlungen. Außerdem hilft unsere Echtzeitsynchronisation des Inventars Ihnen dabei, organisiert zu bleiben, indem alle Fahrräder automatisch hochgeladen werden. Die Komponenten und Teile werden dann von unserem Algorithmus ausgefüllt. Wir bieten auch ein Bewertungstool, das Ihnen hilft, den besten Preis festzulegen. Wir kümmern uns sogar um den Versand: Wir senden die Box und organisieren die Abholung aus Ihrem Geschäft - alles kostenlos!
Ist buycycle sicher?
Ja, immer. Sobald ein Käufer ein Fahrrad kauft, sammelt unser Zahlungsanbieter Adyen die vollständige Zahlung ein. Sie können die Zahlung anfordern, sobald das Versandunternehmen oder der Käufer das Fahrrad abholt. Das Geld bleibt sicher auf einem Treuhandkonto, während Sie warten. Über 700 gewerbliche Händler nutzen buycycle: Erfahren Sie mehr über ihren Erfolg auf Trustpilot.
Ihr Konto
Wie registriere ich mich?
Die Registrierung dauert weniger als 2 Minuten. Wir benötigen nur einige grundlegende Informationen über Sie und Ihren Shop, um mit dem Verkauf zu beginnen.
Wie funktioniert die Einarbeitung?
buycycle bietet individuelle Einarbeitungsprozesse für alle gewerblichen Händler an. Wir können per Telefon oder Videoanruf helfen. Wir bieten auch detailliertere Informationen zu Versand, Zahlungen, Abrechnung und Garantien an. Unser XML-Feed lädt Ihr Fahrrad automatisch hoch, solange es in unserer umfangreichen Datenbank vorhanden ist.
Ihre Anzeigen
Wie erstelle ich eine Verkaufsanzeige?
Klicken Sie auf "Verkaufen" und Ihre Anzeige ist in wenigen Minuten online.
- Finden Sie Ihr Modell einfach in unserer Fahrraddatenbank.
- Geben Sie den Zustand des Fahrrads an.
- Fügen Sie Ihrer Verkaufsanzeige aussagekräftige Bilder hinzu.
- Wählen Sie einen Preis. Unser Bewertungstool findet schnell den besten Verkaufspreis.
Sie können auch automatisch Daten von der Website Ihres Geschäfts importieren und synchronisieren. Wenn Sie Fragen zu automatisierten Uploads haben, zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren.
Welche Arten von Fahrrädern kann ich verkaufen?
buycycle ist ein Marktplatz für Sporträder wie Rennräder, Gravelbikes oder Mountainbikes. Wir erlauben keine Stadt-, Lasten- oder Kinderfahrräder.
Wenn Sie ein Fahrrad im Namen eines Kunden verkaufen möchten, muss das Fahrrad auf das private buycycle-Konto des Kunden hochgeladen werden. Fahrräder, die von Ihrem Geschäft verkauft werden, können von Ihrem Konto aus verkauft werden.
Versand und Lieferung
Wie funktioniert der Versand?
Käufer können zwischen Selbstabholung und Lieferung wählen.
Für die Selbstabholung leiten wir Ihre Kontaktdaten an den Käufer weiter, um einen Termin und eine Uhrzeit für die Abholung zu vereinbaren. Sie und der Käufer erhalten einen Link, um die erfolgreiche Abholung des Fahrrads zu bestätigen. Sie können die Zahlung einziehen, sobald beide Parteien bestätigt haben. Wenn der Käufer das Fahrrad ablehnt, können Sie die Abholung mit demselben Link ablehnen. Der Käufer erhält umgehend eine Rückerstattung. Es wird kein Verpackungsmaterial an Sie gesendet.
Für die Lieferung senden wir Ihnen alles, was Sie benötigen, um Ihr Fahrrad sicher zu versenden. Wir bieten detaillierte Verpackungsanweisungen und senden Ihnen das Versandetikett per E-Mail zu. Wir übernehmen kostenlos alle Kommunikation und Organisation mit dem Versandunternehmen. Teilen Sie uns einfach mit, wann das Fahrrad abgeholt werden soll. Sie müssen das Fahrrad nur verpacken und übergeben.
Wie lautet die Rückgaberecht für gewerbliche Verkäufer?
Von gewerblichen Verkäufern verkaufte Fahrräder unterliegen einem 14-tägigen Rückgaberecht. Darüber hinaus können Käufer ihre Fahrräder zurückgeben, wenn das Fahrrad stark von dem in der Verkaufsanzeige angegebenen Zustand abweicht. Die gesetzliche Gewährleistung von 2 Jahren für neue Waren und 12 Monate für gebrauchte Waren gilt auch für gewerbliche Verkäufer.
Zahlung und Gebühren
Welche Gebühren erhebt buycycle?
Buycycle erhebt nur eine Verkaufsgebühr für jeden erfolgreichen Verkauf. Diese Gebühr deckt die Wartung der Plattform, den Versand, die Organisation usw. ab. Der tatsächliche Zahlungsbetrag (Verkaufspreis minus Gebühr) wird angezeigt, wenn Sie das Fahrrad hochladen und wenn Sie den Verkauf bestätigen. Es gibt keine Gebühren für die Registrierung, das Hochladen oder den Versand Ihrer Fahrräder.
Wie funktioniert der Zahlungsprozess? Wann und wie erhalte ich mein Geld?
Sobald Sie eine Kaufanfrage erhalten, hat der Käufer bereits den vollständigen Betrag für das Fahrrad bezahlt. Die Zahlung wird von unserem Zahlungsdienstleister Adyen eingezogen und auf einem Treuhandkonto gesichert, bis das Fahrrad vom Versandunternehmen oder vom Käufer abgeholt wird. Wir geben dann die Zahlung des Käufers frei und Sie können Ihre Auszahlung von Ihrem buycycle-Konto anfordern. Um bezahlt zu werden, müssen Sie zuerst Ihre Bankinformationen verifizieren. Sie erhalten die Zahlung dann in 4-5 Werktagen.
Wie funktioniert der Verkauf aus rechtlicher Sicht? Ist der Käufer oder buycycle die zweite Partei des Kaufvertrags mit mir?
Nur Privatpersonen können Fahrräder auf buycycle kaufen. Wenn ein Fahrrad aus Ihrem Shop gekauft wird, sind die Parteien des resultierenden Kaufvertrags Sie/Ihr Geschäft und der Privatkunde. Der Käufer bezahlt das Fahrrad online über unsere Plattform, und Sie stellen die Rechnung in seinem Namen aus. Bei fehlenden Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support. In seltenen Fällen können auch andere gewerbliche Verkäufer Ihre Fahrräder kaufen.
The buycycle team is growing. Are you looking for a new bike or a new job?
Feel free to contact us at any time!
How can we help you?
Present your sportbikes all over Europe and benefit from easy, fast and secure sales on our online marketplace. Join our international network and start selling today.
General questions
Why sell with buycycle?
We make selling bikes online easier and safer than ever. We offer global reach, easy shipping, and secure payments. Plus our real-time inventory synchronization helps you stay organized — it automatically uploads all your bikes. The components and parts are then filled in by our algorithm. We also offer a valuation tool to help you set the best price. We even handle shipping: we send the box and arrange the pickup from your store – all free of charge!
Is buycycle safe?
Always. Once a buyer purchases a bike, our payment provider Adyen collects payment in full. You can request payment as soon as the shipping company or buyer collects the bike. The money stays secure in an escrow account while you wait. More than 700 commercial dealers use buycycle: Learn more about their success on Trustpilot.
Your account
How do I register?
Registration takes less than 2 minutes. We just need some basic info about you and your store, and you can start selling.
What's the onboarding process like?
buycycle offers individual onboarding processes for all commercial dealers. We can help via phone or video call. We also offer more detailed information explaining our shipping, payments, billings, and warranties. And our XML feed will upload your bike automatically, as long as it exists in our extensive database.
Your ads
How do I create an ad on buycycle?
Click Sell and your ad will be online in minutes.
- Easily find your model in our bike database
- Specify the condition of the bike
- Add meaningful pictures to your sale ad and
- Choose a price. Our valuation tool will quickly find the best selling price
You can also automatically import and synchronize data from your shop’s website. If you have any questions about automated uploads, don't hesitate to contact us.
What types of bikes can I sell?
buycycle is a marketplace for sport bikes, such as road, gravel, or mountain bikes. We don’t allow city, cargo, or kids’ bikes.
If you want to sell a bike on behalf of a customer, the bike must be uploaded to the customer’s private buycycle account. Bikes sold by your store can be sold from your account
Shipping and delivery
How does shipping work?
Buyers can choose between self-pickup and delivery. For self-pick up, we forward your contact details to the buyer to arrange the time and date for collection. You and the buyer will receive a link to confirm the successful pick up of the bike. You can collect payment once both parties have confirmed. If the buyer declines the bike, you can decline the pick up using the same link. The buyer will be promptly refunded. No packaging will be sent to you.
For delivery, we’ll send you everything you need to safely ship your bike. We offer detailed packing instructions, and will email you the shipping label. We handle all communication and organization with the shipping company for free. Just let us know when the bike should be picked up. All you have to do is pack the bike and hand it over.
What's the return policy for commercial sellers?
Bikes sold by commercial sellers are subject to a 14-day right of return policy. Additionally, if the bike vastly differs from the condition stated in the sales ad, buyers can return their bikes. The legal warranty of 2 years for new goods and 12 months for used goods also applies to commercial sellers.
Payment and fees
What are buycycle's fees?
Buycycle only charges a 3.5% selling fee for each successful sale. This fee covers platform maintenance, shipping, organization, etc. Your actual payment amount (sale price minus 3.5%) is displayed when you upload the bike and when you confirm the sale. There are no fees for registering, uploading, or shipping your bikes.
How does the payment work? When will I receive my money?
As soon as you receive a purchase request, the buyer has already paid for the bike in full. The payment is captured by our payment service provider Adyen and secured on an escrow account until the bike is picked up by the shipping company or by the buyer. We then release the buyer’s payment and you can request your payout from your buycycle account. To get paid, you must first verify your bank information. You’ll then receive payment in 4-5 business days.
To whom is the invoice sent? When will I receive the information for invoicing?
Only private individuals can buy bikes on buycycle. When a bike is purchased from your shop, the parties of the resulting purchase are you/your business and the private customer. The buyer pays for the bike online through our platform, and you issue the invoice in their name. In case of missing information, please contact our support. In rare cases, other commercial sellers may also purchase your bikes.
General questions
What advantages does buycycle offer
compared to other platforms?
On buycycle, your ads reach bike enthusiasts all over Europe and the US. Your sales ads are automatically translated into each country's language and we take care of the shipping between all countries free of charge.
Is the sale on buycycle safe?
More than 300 commercial dealers already trust in buycycle: Check it out for yourself on Trustpilot. In order to guarantee full security during the sale, the full purchase price is collected by our payment provider from the interested party as soon as a purchase request is made. This way, we ensure that you are paid out as soon as your bike has been picked up.
Your account
How do I register as a
commercial dealer?
You can register as a commercial dealer on buycycle in just a few steps. Create an account with your email address and fill out this form. You can then edit your profile in your buycycle account.
What does the onboarding process
for commercial dealers look like?
buycycle offers individual onboarding processes for all commercial dealers - also via phone or video call, if you prefer. We also provide you with info-material that further explains our shipping and payment processes, billing and warranty. If a XML feed or database entry exists for your bike, the upload happens automatically.
Your ads
How do I create an ad on buycycle?
Simply click on "Sell" to create an ad on buycycle within mere seconds. Select your model from our bike database and specify the condition of the bike. Add meaningful pictures to your sale ad and choose a price. Our valuation tool helps you to determine the ideal selling price.
Furthermore, it is possible to automatically import and synchronise data from your website. If you have any questions about automated uploads, please don't hesitate to contact us.
What bikes can I sell from my
commercial account?
Bikes from commercial dealers can be offered for sale straight from their account. If you want to sell a bike on behalf of a customer, the sale must be made from a private account.
Shipping and delivery
How does the shipping work?
What conditions apply to the return
of bicycles?
Bicycles sold by commercial sellers are subject to a 14-day right of withdrawal. In addition, the buyer can return the bicycle if it has defects that were not clearly stated in the advertisement. The legal warranty of two years for new goods and twelve months for used goods also applies to commercial sellers.
Payment and fees
What are the costs for commercial
sellers at buycycle?
buycycle charges a general fee of 2.5% for sellers. There is no set-up fee, no fee for the creation of advertisements and no monthly basic fee.
How does the payout work?
When will I receive my money?
If you receive a purchase request, the full purchase price is already collected from the interested party by our payment provider Adyen. As soon as your bike has been collected, you can pay out the credit from your buycycle account into your bank account. Please note that due to the European Money Laundering Act, we currently have to hold the money for at least 4 days with our payment provider before you can click on "Pay out".
To whom is the invoice sent? When
will I receive the information for invoicing?
The invoice is sent directly to the customer. Our payment service provider Adyen only passes on the payment, but is not a party to the purchase contract. You will receive the information of the buyer for invoicing as soon as you confirm the sale of your bike. In case of missing information, please contact our support.
Why sell on buycycle?
Full inspection
Frame integrity checked
Non-destructive testing for material damage
Suspension and controls inspected
Professional service.
Drivetrain pulled and cleaned
Worn parts replaced
Wheels trued
Super easy returns.
14 days return policy
Big Choice
Easy return process
International reach
Your bikes on buycycle reach more than 5 million bike enthusiasts all over Europe. (29 countries)
Personal support
With us you get help when you need it. Get in touch with our support team at any time or benefit from the experience of other merchants in the community.
Webshop for your pocket
Your physical store has limits, but online is limitless. With a website, you can integrate your buycycle dealer profile and bikes, taking your store wherever you go.
Smooth shipping and payment processing
We offer a hassle-free package: if the customer opts for shipping, we supply packaging and arrange bike pickup. Secure payments are handled by
Quick, quicker, display on buycycle
Upload your bikes in seconds: The uploads can be done fully automated with real-time inventory synchronization.
Powerful tools
Easily find the best selling price for your bike using our evaluation, based on thousands of past sales. Get an initial idea of your bike's value.
Quick, quicker, display on buycycle
Create an ad in under 2 minutes: pick your model, state its condition, set a price, and upload photos. We auto-fill component details. Edit easily with a few clicks.
Customized offer
We tailor solutions to your store's needs. Choose to accept counteroffers, request shipping materials, or handle shipping yourself.
International reach
We translate your ads into 19 languages. So your bikes on buycycle reach more than 5 million bike enthusiasts all over Europe.
Personal support
With us you get help when you need it. Get in touch with our support team at any time or benefit from the experience of other merchants in the community.
Webshop for your pocket
Your physical store has limits, but online is limitless. With a website, you can integrate your buycycle dealer profile and bikes, taking your store wherever you go.
Buycycle’s pricing is straight forward
Whether you’re listing your first bike or whether you’ve already sold your tenth, buycycle has got you covered every step of the way.
Buycycle’s pricing is straight forward
Whether you’re listing your first bike or whether you’ve already sold your tenth, buycycle has got you covered every step of the way.
You know what you sell. Now know what you get.
Listing a bike on buycycle is always free of cost. As soon as you’ve successfully sold your bike, you’ll get 97.5% of the revenue made. All we keep is the 2.5% buycycle selling fee.
You know what you sell. Now know what you get.
Listing a bike on buycycle is always free of cost. As soon as you’ve successfully sold your bike, you’ll get 97.5% of the revenue made. All we keep is the 2.5% buycycle selling fee.
How does buycycle protect sellers?
Even before your bike lands in the box, we have already collected your buyer's payment and secured it in our escrow account. That way you can be sure to get your money. On buycycle we don't do bullshit. Just bikes.
When you list
buycycle's selling guide includes pro tips to help you get the most money for your gear. All specs of your bike are added automatically. Our pricing history data helps you make informed decisions about your asking price when you list your bike for sale
When you sell
You can feel confident selling to buycycle’s high-quality community of bike lovers. No more unnecessary questions or non-serious price offers. Sell your bike to people who appreciate it. Through our secure payment process and our continuous help you are always guaranteed your money and a smooth experience.
When you ship
We take care of the whole shipping process. Once you get a message from us that your bike is sold, the buyer already paid for it. We send you all necessary packaging material free of charge and the shipping company picks up the box right at your doorstep. The transport is fully insured by us. Once handed over, simply have your money with paid out with one click.
It's easy to get started
on buycycle
Step 1: Register for free
Create a free account as a commercial seller on buycycle in just a few steps. Enter your personal data and provide us with some basic information about your store.
Step 2: Create attractive sales ads
Upload your first advertisements. Access to our extensive database allows you to upload your bikes even easier and faster.
Step 3: Ship your bike free of charge
If the customer opts for the shipping option, we will organise free collection by our forwarding agent from your premises. Of course, buycycle will also provide you with the necessary packaging material. There are no costs for the seller due to the shipping.
Step 4: Ship your bike free of charge
If you receive a purchase request, the full purchase price will already be collected by our payment provider from the interested party. As soon as your bike has been collected, you can pay the credit in your buycycle account into your bank account.
Upload your first ads. Access to our extensive database allows you to upload your bikes even easier and faster. If you have exchanged single components, you can adjust them afterwards. If your bike is not yet listed in our database, you can use our configurator to create your customized ad in just a few steps.
What advantages does buycycle
offer compared to other platforms?
On buycycle, your ads reach bike enthusiasts all over Europe. Your ads for sale are automatically translated into the language of the country. We take care of the shipping between all countries within Europe free of charge.
How does the payout work? When
will I receive my money?
If you receive a purchase request, the full purchase price is already collected from the interested party by our payment provider Adyen. As soon as your bike has been collected, you can pay the credit in your buycycle account into your bank account. Please note that due to the European Money Laundering Act, we currently have to hold the money for at least 4 days with our payment provider before you can click on "Cash out".
What fees do the commercial
sellers have to pay?
For commercial sellers, no fees are charged for creating an advertisement or profile. Only the sale is subject to a fee of 2.5% of the sale price. Your payout amount is displayed both when uploading and when confirming the sale.
How does the shipping work?
The buyer can choose the shipping option at the time of purchase. If you accept the purchase, you then have the option of choosing the time of collection by our forwarding agent at your location. We will send you the necessary packaging material. You will receive a shipping label by e-mail the day before collection. We recommend that you print out the shipping label twice. Attach one label to the bike box and have the other label signed by the driver when the bike is collected by the forwarding agent. There are no shipping costs for you as the seller. These will be charged to the buyer.
To whom will my bicycle be sold?
The purchase contract is between you and the customer. As a rule, this is a private person. You will then also issue an invoice to this person. We will send you the contact details of the buyer by e-mail. Dealers also have the option of buying bicycles on buycycle. Information on the advantages and special features of intra-community trade can be found here. In exceptional cases, buycycle also makes commercial dealers an offer to purchase selected bicycles directly. For this purpose, we will contact you.
Over 300 commercial sellers are already benefiting from buycycle.
What are you waiting for?
Join the buycycle family!
If at any point during the selling process you are feeling unsure or in need of help, the buycycle team is here for you. We’re always just a phone call or an email away!